A Timely Review

Mark Edwards latest release, The Darkest Water, is another great mixture between psychological thriller and police procedural.

Although I hadn’t read the proceeding story to this, Mark during his advertising for the launch, did several readings on Facebook from the police sections of the novel, which involved the protagonist Imogen, this enticed me to read the novel despite my other commitments which have deadlines.

Marks books are always the perfect length to fit in between something in my experience, just about the right size to not over strain yourself.

With the dual narrative and intriguing characters, the café proprietor makes an interesting opposite to the police procedural element and it is nice to see the police procedural side of the book being the smaller part despite how Marks readings implied the opposite. The café proprietor embarks for the first time upon social media with his naivety dropping him in hot water.

As the body on the beach which involved Imogen’s character is uncovered, both physically and metaphorically, the café proprietors journey into the internet gets darker and darker but how and why are these stories linked?

The reason for this is a really original justification and will surprise.

I am really glad that I found out about Mark’s early readings and his launch involving his new dog Sherlock and of course not forgetting Lana Del Rey too.

Highly recommended as always and looking forward to the return to the Magpies universe in the next novel.

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