Rebus returns to TV

Thanks to my email, a few days ago I became aware that Rebus was to return; because although I’d seen the posters for a while and had heard Rankin talk about it, because Rebus had been made younger, as a dyslexic, I only saw the posters without that context and had no idea what it was.

It’s not just Rebus being made younger that’s different in this, they appear to have taken the entire Rebus universe and brought in all of the characters from episode 1, including Malcolm Fox, the character who investigates other police and who didn’t appear in the series until after Rebus was first retired in the mid 2000s. With this, including bringing back his young daughter at the age she was at the start of the books and a rivalry between Cafferty and another drug kingpin, I really don’t know which book they have taken this from, or where the series is going to go, but it will be fascinating.

I suppose they had to do this due to the previous versions that had been made using the books and their plots as the basis. But when it has been done twice before, would it have been logical just to reiterate the stories again? I’m not sure, and how many more episodes will be made? I’m unsure of that, too, as my PA tells me that TVCream’s article highlighted that it was initially made by a streaming service that has now collapsed and the BBC bought it, so whether they will manage to convince everyone else to make more of them is debatable, but we’ll see. I hope so, as I was intrigued by where the first episode was going. Now that all episodes are available, I will drip feed them now I’ve got the space with me having just finished reading the Theakston’s longlist recently.

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